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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Mister Danilo's channel on YT ---ScRaBBlE

Mark Steyn: Trump and Costs

Mark Steyn: Steve Martin vs SJW's

Mark Steyn: Bureaucratic Agents

Mark Steyn: "The Abolition of Man"

Mark Steyn: Multi-culture for the West Only

Mark Steyn: Europeans Are The New Jews

Milo: Christianity and Women's Rights

Mark Steyn: Charlie Sheen vs Trump

Mark Steyn: Israel vs John Kerry

Mark Steyn: Government Occupying Land

Mark Steyn: Multi-Count Cases

Ben Shapiro: Society and Identity Politics

Mark Steyn: Diversity is not Strength

Ben Shapiro: Legacy of Racism

Ben Shapiro: Are Jews White?

Mark Steyn and 3rd Rate Judges

Mark Steyn on the Left and the "Correct way" of Thinking

Ben Shapiro Shitting on White Privilege

Ben Shapiro on the Confederate Flag

Ben Shapiro: Did The Parties Switch?

Ben Shapiro: Unconscious Bias

Mark Steyn Trashing Millenials

Ben Shapiro: Nordic Socialism

Ben Shapiro: Opioid Epidemic


Ben Shapiro : Ideology in Business

Mark Steyn : "Don't Tread on Me"

Ben Shapiro on John Oliver

Ben Shapiro on "Real Socialism"

Mark Steyn: Demographic Challenge of Islam to Europe

Ben Shapiro on Why the Left Loves Broken Familes

Ben Shapiro on the Return of Communism

Mark Steyn: Hayes VS Obama

Ben Shapiro : "No one cares about you!"

Mark Steyn on the US Debt Issue

Protests and Counter-Protests at a Ben Shapiro Speech

Mark Steyn on Dinesh D'Souza's Court Case

Mark Steyn on Prompt Justice

Ben Shapiro: Harambe

Ben Shapiro: 'Pinnochio' vs 'Frozen'

Ben Shapiro: Hillary's Campaign Sucks 2

Ben Shapiro: Dem's Are Stuck In The 60's

Ben Shapiro: Anti-Police Rhetoric

Ben Shapiro: The Left and Comic Books (2/3)

Ben Shapiro: The Left and Comic Books (1/3)

Ben Shapiro: Culture and Youth

Ben Shapiro: Hillary's Campaign Sucks

Ben Shapiro: Obama, Bullying and Dictatorship

Ben Shaprio: Gender and Race

Ben Shapiro: Clarence Thomas and PC culture

Ben Shapiro: Talks about Gender

Ben Shapiro debates the Transgender Issue

Ben Shapiro: Transgenders and Health

Ben Shapiro: Free Market Pharmaceuticals

Ben Shapiro and 'Cultural Appropriation'

Ben Shapiro on Vaccines

Ben Shapiro: John Kerry and Globalism

Ben Shapiro vs Protectionism

Ben Shapiro vs White House Correspondents Dinner

Ben Shapiro vs Transgendered Bathrooms

Ben Shapiro vs Larry Wilmore on Obama Worship

Ben Shapiro Vs Amy Schumer on Gun Control

Mark Steyn on De-industrialization

Mark Steyn: Obama's Endorsement of Hillary

Mark Steyn: Character Assassination of Conservatives

Mark Steyn: Comparing Trump to Hitler

Mark Steyn: Assimilation of Immigrants

Mark Steyn: 'The Borderless World'

Dinesh D'Souza: Muhamad Was Not a Muslim

Dinesh D'Souza On The Crusades

Dinesh D'Souza: Exporting Democracy?

Dinesh D'Souza: How To Fight In America

Dinesh D'Souza: Why Bernie Over Hillary

Dinesh D'Souza: Equality of Opportunity

Ben Shapiro Explaining the Core Principles of Conservatism

Dinesh D'Souza: Taxation

Dinesh D'Souza: Politics And Personal Interest

Ben Shapiro: How To Succeed in The Modern Economy

Ann Coulter Describing Carlos Slim

Ann Coulter on What The GOP Strategy Should Be

Ann Coulter on Hi-Tech Workers

Ann Coulter on Pete Wilsons Victory

Ann Coulter on How Workers Will be Affected by Immigration

Ben Shaprio: "Who is Woodrow Wilson?"

Ben Shapiro: Sex, Marriage and Divorce

Ben Shapiro Systematically Destroying Progressive Bullshit

Ben Shapiro: Cultural Relativism

Ben Shapiro Discusses Institutional Racism

Ann Coulter: Carlos Slim and Immigration

Ann Coulter on Supposed "High Quality Immigrants"

Ann Coulter: Immigration's Effect on The Economy

Ann Coulter: Carlos Slim's Dealings With The New York Times

Ann Coulter on Bush Whoring Himself Out

Nigel Farage Defending Women's Rights and Australia's Immigration Policies

Mark Steyn Debating The Refugee Crisis

Mark Steyn's Passionate Rebuttal on The Refugee Crisis

Mark Steyn Debating Louise Arbour on Refugee Integration

Nigel Farage Debating The Refugee Crisis

Ann Coulter Exposing Carlos Slim's Business Dealings

Ann Coulter: Republicans Selling Out

Ann Coulter: H1B Visa's and Modern Slavery

Ann Coulter: Real Reason For Immigration

Ann Coulter: Enviromentalist's Selling Out

Ann Coulter: 'Suspect: Man'

Ann Coulter: Stats of Immigrant Crime

Ann Coulter: Different Cultures Contribute Differently

Ann Coulter: Israel's Border Policy

Ann Coulter: The Media and Race

Ann Coulter: "Fences Don't Work"?

Ann Coulter: The Language of Immigration

Ann Coulter: Immigration and Workers

Ann Coulter: Immigration and the Economy

Mark Steyn: How Conservatives should Deal With Trump

Mark Steyn: New Ideologies vs Women's Rights

Mark Steyn: Bill and Hillary's Record on Women

Mark Steyn Exposing The Clinton Foundation

Mark Steyn: Democrats Rigged Race Against Bernie

Mark Steyn: Hillary vs Trump

Ann Coulter on Bernie and Terrorism

Ann Coulter: Hitler's Revenge

Ann Coulter: What Made France Pussies

Mark Steyn: Are Millenials Ready For Work

Mark Steyn on Brexit

Mark Steyn: Homophobia and Sharia

Mark Steyn: Homophobia and Cakes

Ben Shapiro: Personal Responsibility

Ben Shapiro: Marriage

Ben Shapiro: Millenials and Bernie Sanders

Ben Shapiro: Foreign Policy and Libertarianism

Ben Shapiro: Decision Privilege

Mark Steyn: Terror Tactics of the Climate Movement

Mark Steyn : The Climate Change Musical

Ben Shapiro Joking About "Asian Privelege"

Ben Shapiro: Debating Minimum Wage

Stephen Cambone: China's Original Crash

Hans C. Hemmerlich: Government Regulation in Energy

Ben Shapiro: How To Make A Change

Ben Shapiro on Abortion (4/4)

Ben Shapiro: Political Engagement Is Unavoidable

Ben Shapiro on Sex & Social Values

Ben Shapiro: Bernie's Creepy Morality

Ben Shapiro On Abortion (3/4)

Ben Shapiro's Take On The Gold Standard

Ben Shapiro on Abortion (2/4)

Mark Steyn Humiliates The 'Joke Police'

Mark Steyn Talks About London Getting Taken Over

Bob Hoffman: The Age Delusion

Bob Hoffman: The Brand Delusion

Bob Hoffman: Advertisers vs Consumers

Bob Hoffman: Reality of Online Advertising

Mark Steyn Exposing Obama's Spending

Mark Steyn vs Politically Correct Military

Mark Steyn Blasts Government Bureaucracy

Peter Z. Grossman: Government's Failure to Predict Energy Developments

Peter Z. Grossman: Free Market Response to 'Peak Oil'

Peter Z. Grossman: Government Response to "Market Failure"

Peter Z. Grossman: Is Energy Independence Good?

Kenneth P. Green: Improving Ethanol Production

Kenneth P. Green: Why Ethanol is Bad for the Environment

Kenneth P. Green: Agriculture's Effect on the Ocean

Ben Shapiro Attacks Obama's Response to Muslim Terrorism

Ben Shapiro: Hillary is Sleazy

Ben Shapiro: Relevance of Europe's Muslim Demographics

Ben Shapiro Attacks Europe's Response to Muslim Terrorism

Michael Savage on Bill and Hillary's Greatest Crime

Ben Shapiro Attacks Hillary's Response to Muslim Terrorism

Ben Shapiro: Stats of Muslim Terrorism

Ben Shapiro's on Abortion (1/4)

Mark Steyn: Hillary's Cold Heartedness on Benghazi

Ben Shapiro: Media Hypocrisy on Protests

Mark Steyn on the Veteran Affairs Scandal

Mark Steyn: Obama's '"Meaningless Drivel"

Mark Steyn: More Nonsense From Modern Colleges

Ben Shapiro: Libertarianism vs Conservatism

Ben Shapiro: Hillary Hates Israel

Ben Shapiro: Trump is a "Screw You" to the Establishment

Ben Shapiro Tears Apart 'Kid President'

Robert P. Murphy: The Future of the US Dollar

Robert P. Murphy explains Bitcoin

Robert P. Murphy: The Subjectivity of Economic Value

Robert Bryce: America Leads the World In CO2 Reduction

Robert Bryce: Will Energy Demand Grow Forever?

Robert Bryce: Why Wind Power Sucks

Mark Steyn: Government Overreach

Mark Steyn: America's Two Party System

Mark Steyn on IRS Bullshit

Mark Steyn: Climate Change (4/4)

Ben Shapiro on Star Wars 8 (2/2)

Ben Shapiro on Star Wars 8 (1/2)

Ben Shapiro: Free Speech in Politics

Mark Steyn on "Bureaucratic Boxchecking"

Mark Steyn's Passionate Take on Ridiculous US Immigration Policy

Ben Shapiro: Stupid California Laws

Mark Steyn: Schools Are Teaching Moral Relativism

Mark Steyn: Conservatives Face Reality

Mark Steyn: Obama's "immigration rights"

Mark Steyn: Millenials and the Loss of Identity

Mark Steyn: Soft Power vs Smart Power

Mark Steyn: Airport Security and 'Sensitivity Training"

Mark Steyn on NATO and the 'Coalition'

Tom Cotton: National Unity in Foreign Policy

Ben Shapiro: Climate Change (5/5)

Ben Shapiro: Racially Divisive Politics

Ben Shapiro: The Left Is Out To Destroy The West

Ben Shapiro: Hollywood Hypocrisy

Michael Savage describes Bernie Sanders

Ben Shapiro: "The Rich Will Pay For It"

Ben Shapiro: Republicans are Centre-Left

Steven F Hayward: Climate Change (5/5)

Steven F Hayward: Climate Change (2/5)

Steven F Hayward: Climate Change (4/5)

Steven F Hayward: Climate Change (3/5)

Steven F Hayward: Climate Change (1/5)

Mark Steyn: Planned Parenthood (2/2)

Ben Shapiro: The Left Wants to Destroy the Family

Mark Steyn: The Clinton Criminals

Ben Shapiro: Transgender Issue (3/3)

Ben Shapiro: Transgender Issue (2/3)

Ben Shapiro: Australia's "Sensible" Gun Laws

Ben Shapiro: Climate Change (4/5)

Ben Shapiro Destroys Anti-White Propaganda (2/2)

Ben Shapiro Destroys Anti-White Propaganda (1/2)

Mark Steyn Schools a Bunch of Creeps on Free Speech

Mark Steyn: Australia is a Nanny State

Mark Steyn: Morals not Laws

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: "Moderate Muslim Warriors"

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Dealing with Islam

Ayaan Hirsi Ali: Explaining Taqqiya

Ben Shapiro: Talking to Millenials

Ben Shapiro: Frankfurt School

Ben Shapiro: Progressives and Islam

Ben Shapiro: The Pathetic Millenials

Ben Shapiro: Income Equality (1)

Ben Shapiro: Hillary Clinton is a Whore

Ben Shapiro: Minimum Wage (3)

Ben Shapiro: Obama & Islam 2

Ben Shapiro: Obama & Islam 1

Ben Shapiro: Hillary Clinton's role in Bill's rapes

Ben Shapiro: Will Smith's son wearing women's clothes

Mark Steyn: Democracy in the EU? (2007)

Mark Steyn: Weak, Pathetic Europe (2007)

Mark Steyn: Free Speech caused Nazism? (2007)

Mark Steyn: "The German Deathspiral in a Nutshell"

Mark Steyn: Immigration (2)

Mark Steyn: Gaza, Youth and Radicalism (2010)

Ben Shapiro: Syrian Refugee Crisis

Ben Shapiro: on Caitlyn Jenner and Zoey Tur

Ben Shapiro's Best Explanation of the Left

Ben Shapiro: Best Weapons of the Left and the Right

Ben Shapiro: Why the Left Sympathises with ISIS

Ben Shapiro: Microagressions and 'Safe-Spaces'

Ben Shapiro: What Creates Evil?

Ben Shapiro: Microagressions & Trigger Warnings

Ben Shapiro: White Privilege (3/3)

Ben Shapiro: White Privilege (2/3)

Ben Shapiro: White Privilege (1/3)

Ann Coulter: Liberal Victim Culture

Ann Coulter: American vs French Revolutions

Ann Coulter: Central Park Rape Case

Ann Coulter: Chris Christie and Public Sector Jobs

Ann Coulter: Social Security

Ann Coulter: Anders Breivik a Christian?

Ann Coulter: on Joe McCarthy

Ann Coulter: Obamacare

Ben Shapiro: Is Obama the Problem?

Brigitte Gabriel: Muslim Takeover of Lebanon

Ann Coulter: Lies in Liberal Stats

Ann Coulter trolls Keith Olbermann

Ann Coulter: Immigrants helped Obama win

Ann Coulter: Obama is Impeachable

Ann Coulter: "Shaming is Good"

Ann Coulter: Illegal Immigration (2/3)

Ann Coulter: Illegal Immigration (1/3)

Ben Shapiro: The Transgender Issue (1/3)

Ben Shapiro: The Left's Trivial Knowledge

Ben Shapiro: Climate Change (3/5)

Ben Shapiro: Gun Control (3/3)

Ben Shapiro: Gun Control (2/3)

Ben Shapiro: How to Reduce Crime

Ben Shapiro: Gun Control (1/3)

Ben Shapiro: Minimum Wage (2/2)

Ben Shapiro: Minimum Wage (1/2)

Mark Steyn: Voter ID

Mark Steyn: Climate Change (3/4)

Mark Steyn: The Weak, Useless Republicans

Mark Steyn: Planned Parenthood (1/2)

Mark Steyn: Immigration (1)

Mark Steyn: Climate Change (2/4)

Mark Steyn: Climate Change (1/4)

Mark Steyn: College and other Diversions

Mark Steyn: Monopoly of Government

Ben Shapiro: The Inconsistencies of the Left

Ben Shapiro: Debate on your Terms

Ben Shapiro: The Left love guns more than the Right

Ben Shapiro explains: Body Language Matters in Politics

Dr Michael Savage defends the White Male

Education vs Talent

Ben Shapiro explains: Climate Change (2/5)

Ben Shapiro explains: Climate Change (1/5)

Ben Shapiro explains: BDS and Israel

Ben Shapiro explains: Sexism, College Rape and Income Inequality

Ann Coulter explains: the EPIC Lies in Government Stats

Mark Steyn explains: The decline of Europe

Mark Steyn explains: the South Park 'Mohamad' controversy

Andrew Breitbart explains: His greatest revelation

Ben Shapiro explains: How Obama gets airtime

Ben Shapiro explains: How the Left uses institutions to achieve victory

Dr. Michael Savage explains: Muslim migration to non-muslim countries

روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة

كيف تحصل على مدونة جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات من هنا
شاهد قناة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بألاف المواضيع والمشاركات على اليوتيوب لمزيد من الشرح من هنا
رابط مدونة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات في أي وقت حــــتى لو تم حذفها من هنا
شاهد صفحة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بألاف المواضيع والمشاركات على الفيس بوك لمزيد من الشرح من هنا
تعرف على ترتيب مواضيع منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات (حتى لا تختلط عليك الامور) من هنا

ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

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