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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Artemis in ISAC today ---ScRaBBlE

It's Doyoung from NCT!!

He indeed got edited out (quite a lot).. but he scored 989 in total!!

He's not only handsome, but is also good at archery.. What's going on here..ㅠㅠ

Please show our Doyoung, who didn't get much screen time despite doing all of his best, a lot of love!!


1. [+74][-5] (NB: This comment is reeeally long and it contains a lot of onomatopoeia, or maybe just nonsense words but..) The greatest fairy bunny in the world with the warmest heart, he looks too much like a bunny to be a human and he looks really cute when he smiles. He also has a really wide shoulders and small waist, his voice sounds like cream cheese, strawberries who are in love, the paradise in front of my eyes, a blooming lower. He shines so much brighter than my future, now the world does not even need lights from the stars. Our fearless bunny, doll, King-God-General-Bunny. Please don't fly away to your fairy world and leave me behind, you're my endorphin, my vitamin. I feel so much healthier everytime I look at you. The best fairy bunny in the world, has a cute physical figure. His voice melts me down, like a flower powder upon a drop of water. There's no reason to not love Kim Doyoung. Kim Doyoung is so cute, the most popular student in To Pyung High School. Emotional voice, the voice that could gather up all the stars in the sky, Doyoung!!!!

2. [+62][-3] Doyoung is really good at archery..ㅋㅋㅋ That was really unexpected of him..

3. [+54][-2] Doyoung is so freaking gorgeous that I might die..ㅠㅠ

4. [+33][-1] He got more screen times for his reactions rather than his archery skills, but all of his fans know that he shot 9 and 8 point flawlessly..ㅜㅜ I love him..ㅜㅜ

5. [+32][-0] Doyoung is on the rise lately, I personally think he's the most handsome member in NCT..

6. [+32][-0] Look at his arm muscles;; You look so cool, Kim Doyoung;;

7. [+29][-0] And on top of that, he's a really kind person. His team mates rely on him a lot, and they seem to really trust him. That's what I feel after paying a close attention to him. He's a hard-worker, very down to earth, and always improve himself. I think he would be really successful in the future..

8. [+24][-0] Kim Dongyoung is really cute, handsome, a good singer, a good dancer and now he's even good at archery.. Our King Bunny, is there anything that you can't do..?

9. [+23][-1] He's tall, smart, used to be student president, and the center of the vocalists in his group.. Our Ddoing-ie is an all rounder..

10. [+18][-0] He's not weak or anything, but I think he's more like a homebody.. So after using a lot of energy, he would melt down quickly in no time..ㅜㅜ

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رابط مدونة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات في أي وقت حــــتى لو تم حذفها من هنا
شاهد صفحة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بألاف المواضيع والمشاركات على الفيس بوك لمزيد من الشرح من هنا
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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

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