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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Do you know Stellar and their song, Marionette? ---ScRaBBlE

I didn't know this song because I was still in elementary school when the song was released.
I discovered the group a little bit too late. I checked out all of their M/Vs and songs and was really surprised.
The choreography and the outfits were really shocking, but the song sounds really greatㅠㅠ
I think they could've done better if they released that song with no skin exposure.. It's too badㅠㅠ


1. [+211][-4] I heard the company forced them to do such concept.. They suddenly changed the concept of the M/V right on the day of the shooting without any notices. They had already prepared the outfits on the set so the girls had no other choices..

2. [+182][-1] I heard they even cried after shooting the M/V..

3. [+106][-2] One of their other song, Crying, is also quite a good song..

4. [+67][-1] I heard that one of the member can't even drink milk anymore after shooting this M/V..

5. [+62][-0] Their company said there were no other choices if they wanted to get more attention..ㅋㅋㅋ Stellar did get attention for this song. People criticized them for looking 'cheap' and stuffs. And they didn't come up with a sexy concept for the next comeback, which didn't get much attention and flopped quite hardㅋㅋㅋ And for they came up with Cutie-Sexy for their other song, Sting. The song is really addictive but that also flopped, so.. I don't think I need to explain more.

6. [+47][-1] It's true that girl groups tend to get more attention when they do a sexy concept, but the attention wouldn't even last long..

7. [+44][-1] They performed like that for 7 years and yet they revealed they couldn't even earn more than $10,000ish..

8. [+38][-0] For your information, all of Stellar's members are smart and have great academic achievements..

9. [+37][-0] I saw a Youtube video where they explained that one of the members was told to drink milk and spill it all over her chest, so she just did it without knowing that it has a weird meaning behind it.. Which she just realized after watching the released M/V. And since then, that member couldn't drink milk anymore.

10. [+25][-0] Sting is a really great song..
روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة

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رابط مدونة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات في أي وقت حــــتى لو تم حذفها من هنا
شاهد صفحة منتدى مدونات بلوجر جاهزة بألاف المواضيع والمشاركات على الفيس بوك لمزيد من الشرح من هنا
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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

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