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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Whoa.. Seeing Twice's members practicing.. ---ScRaBBlE

Makes me realize that there's a reason why they're doing really well in their career..

They were practicing in this gif and I thought they looked really cool, so I saved it..ㅋㅋ
So what I'm going to talk about here is their synchronized choreography..

It's true that they got really popular because of Sana's Shy Shy Shy,
but I personally think they're able to maintain the popularity they gained because of their talent..

In my opinion, Twice has no untalented members. 
Each of the members have basic skills and talents.

I'm not a fan of Twice, I can't prove it but anyway I'm not..
I used to stan a girl group that has a similar number of members and took some rest..


1. [+65][-3] During their debut days, they were labeled as the most lacking girl group among all of the girl groups who are under the top three companies in SK. But now that the time has passed, I came to realize that they have never been involved in any controversies regarding their performances and they also seem to be a hard-working group..

2. [+60][-2] I'm a non-fan who likes Twice. I've always known that Momo is a great dancer, but Nayeon was a big surprise to me, she's a really good dancer. But I think her dancing skills tend to get overshadowed..

3. [+42][-0] My girls are hard-working..

4. [+21][-0] They're currently doing really well right now, they're at the time where at least one of the members would dance lazily on stage but no.. None of them dances like that on stage, they all put their maximum effort on their performances..

5. [+20][-0] I hope they would gain even more popularity in the future.. Twice, let's last for a really really long time!!

6. [+20][-0] They once revealed that they used to dance to Like Ohh Ahh in a line in order to have the perfect synchronization..

7. [+17][-0] I love the girl crush concept that seems to be a trend lately, but I also like the cheerful and healthy concept that Twice has.. I think that's one of Twice's outstanding characteristic..

8. [+16][-0] Each of Twice's members are really hard-working..

9. [+15][-0] Whoa, the first gif looks so freaking cool..

10. [+14][-0] They always work hard and enjoy their own performances..
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