Parents in the U.S. have been noticing that the popular Nick Jr. animated series is influencing and changing their childrens’ accents – giving them an ever-so British English tone.
The preschool show follows the adventures of female pig, Peppa and her family who live in a town full of other animal families. It first aired in 2004 and airs on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. in the U.S.A.

Heather said her two-year-old now had a ‘solid’ British accent – just from watching Peppa Pig (Picture: Twitter)

Peppa Pig is watched by scores of youngsters internationally after first airing in the UK in 2004 (Picture: Entertainment One)

Mother Jen Rofe said she was all in favour of the influence the British cartoon is clearly having (Picture: Twitter)
Peppa speaks with a slow-paced, some might say, cute middle-England accent and the impact of her speech has clearly rubbed off on youngsters across the Atlantic.
Mike Lupa said on Twitter: ‘Anyone else’s kids developing a slight British accent after watching Peppa pig?’ ‘She is also snorting like a piggy, but that is expected.’
Alex Raelyn said: ‘My 3 yr old cousin has an english accent from watching peppa pig and i’m jealous.’
Meanwhile mother @_fragilebxnes said: ‘My child won’t stop talking with an accent ever since she started watching peppa pig??? ‘I’d like to thank Peppa Pig for the slight yet adorable British accent my toddler is acquiring. #mum #mummy.’
The response has actually been quite positive from our American cousins who have also noticed Peppa’s occasional snorting being made by their youngsters when they speak.
Dr Emma Byrne, who is the author of Swearing is Good for You: The Amazing Science of Bad Language, told the milennial mums’ website Romper, that the snorting is actually ‘really smart’ and would be the toddler equivalent of using swear words or expressing emotions. But she did say the children would eventually grow out of it.

Peppa is accompanied on the show by her family and various other friendly animal families (Picture: Entertainment One)
Sylvester Kabajani added: ‘My 4 year baby girl loves watching peppa pig & I have noticed her accent & grammar is extraordinary, last night I tucked her to sleep & she looks at me & says “daddy, can you snuggle me” I was like what did you just say baby girl? I don’t remember the last time I used that word.’
Peppa Pig airs on Nick Jr. and Viacom’s Channel 5 Milkshake in the U.K., and on Nickelodeon and Nick Jr. channels globally.
Peppa Pig is created by Neville Astley and Mark Baker and produced by Astley Baker Davies Ltd and Entertainment One (eOne). The animated preschool show is one of eOne’s key properties. In 2017, it announced that 117 new episodes were entering production, which will start airing in 2019 and take the total episode count to 381. Peppa Pig will be celebrating her 15th anniversary throughout 2019 with a raft of activities for fans.
More Nick: Peppa Pig's Muddy Puddle Walk for Save the Children UK | 13-19 May 2019!
Original source: Metro.
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