Paphiopedilum notatisepalum Z. J. Liu, M. Wang & S. R. Lan |
A new species of Paphiopedilum (Orchidaceae) from Yunnan, China, is described and illustrated based on morphological and molecular evidence. Morphological comparisons indicate that the new species Paphiopedilum notatisepalum is highly similar to P. henryanum, from which it differs by its leaves with large yellow spots, shorter scape, larger flower, ovate, white sepals and petals that are pale purple-red with large purple spots and yellow-white margins. Molecular analyses of combined nuclear and plastid datasets (nrITS and matK) indicate that P. notatisepalum is sister to P. barbigerum, which has a green leaves and pale yellow-green sepals and petals. The morphological and molecular evidence support the hypothesis that P. notatisepalum is a new species.
Keywords: Asian orchids, orchid phylogenetics, Venus slipper, reticulate evolution, lady’s slipper orchids, Monocots
Paphiopedilum notatisepalum Z.J.Liu, M.Wang & S.R.Lan. A. Flowering plant. B. Flower, front view. C. Flower, back view. E. Flowers, side view. |
Paphiopedilum notatisepalum Z. J. Liu, M. Wang & S. R. Lan sp. nov.
Type:— CHINA. Yunnan: Malipo, in crevices of shady cliffs or rocks of limestone. ...
Distribution and habitat:— In crevices of shady cliffs or rocks in evergreen broad-leaved forests in limestone areas in southeastern Yunnan, China.
Etymology:— The species name notatisepalum refers to purple-maroon-spotted sepals, from the Greek notati (spot) and sepalum (sepal).
Conservation status:— Using the World Conservation Union Red List Categories and Criteria (IUCN, 2012), P. notatisepalum should be treated as critically endangered.
FIGURE 4. Paphiopedilum notatisepalum Z.J.Liu, M.Wang & S.R.Lan. A. Flowering plant. B. Flower, front view. C. Flower, back view. D. Staminode, front view. E., F, Flowers, side view. |
Meina Wang, Si-Ren Lan and Zhong-Jian Liu. 2017. Paphiopedilum notatisepalum, A New Species of Slipper Orchid (Cypripedioideae, Orchidaceae) from China based on Morphological and DNA Evidence. Phytotaxa. 302(2); 156 – 164. DOI: 10.11646/phytotaxa.302.2.5
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