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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Starship's trainees who are most likely to debut with Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yoojin in 2 years ---ScRaBBlE

Produce 48 Jo Gahyun, '03 liner

2년뒤 장원영 안유진과 데뷔 할 가능성 높다는 스타쉽 연습생들 | 인스티즈
Produce 48 Kang Damin, '04 liner

2년뒤 장원영 안유진과 데뷔 할 가능성 높다는 스타쉽 연습생들 | 인스티즈
Idol School Park Sun, '04 liner

-Whoa.. They're seriously so young.. '04 liner, I can't believe it..

-I don't think so.. 2 years is quite longer than you think..

-I'm really looking forward to Starship's upcoming girlgroup.. First of all, the combination of Jang Wonyoung and Ahn Yoojin are already great to start off with..

-Whoa.. It makes sense since they're around Wonyoung and Yoojin's age.. I'm looking forward to it..

-Jang Wonyoung is a '04liner too, after all.. And that Park Sun, is she the one who sang Rookie in Idol School..?

-All of Starship's female artists are so beautiful..ㅠㅠ These girls are young, beautiful, and have great body proportions. I hope they would hit big once they make their debut!

-Damin has left Yedang Entertainment..?

-Whoa.. All of these trainees are under Starship now??

-Seems like Kang Damin left her old company and joined Starship now.. Oh Gosh..

-Park Sun.. Idol School.. Rookie..?

-Starship is lucky to have Wonyoung and Yoojin..

-I had no idea Wonyoung and Yoojin are from the same company, unbelievable..

-Gahyun-ah, let's debut.. My bank account is ready..

-I want to see AhnYoung as duo, though..
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