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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Showing posts with label Anatomy. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Anatomy. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

[PaleoMammalogy • 2017] New Records of the Dolphin Albertocetus meffordorum (Odontoceti: Xenorophidae) from the lower Oligocene of South Carolina: Encephalization, Sensory Anatomy, Postcranial Morphology, and Ontogeny of early Odontocetes ---ScRaBBlE

Albertocetus meffordorum   Uhen, 2008 

Boessenecker, Ahmed & Geisler, 2017


We report five new specimens of xenorophid dolphins from North and South Carolina. Four of the specimens represent the xenorophid Albertocetus meffordorum, previously only known from the holotype skull. The other is a fragmentary petrosal from the upper Oligocene Belgrade Formation that we refer to Echovenator sp, indicating at least two xenorophids from that unit. Two of the Albertocetus meffordorum specimens are from the lower Oligocene Ashley Formation: 1) a partial skeleton with neurocranium, fragmentary mandible, ribs, vertebrae, and chevrons, and 2) an isolated braincase. The partial vertebral column indicates that Albertocetus retained the ancestral morphology and locomotory capabilities of basilosaurid archaeocetes, toothed mysticetes, and physeteroids, and caudal vertebrae that are as wide as tall suggest that the caudal peduncle, which occurs in all extant Cetacea, was either wide or lacking. CT data from the isolated braincase were used to generate a digital endocast of the cranial cavity. The estimated EQ of this specimen is relatively high for an Oligocene odontocete, and other aspects of the brain, such as its anteroposterior length and relative size of the temporal lobe, are intermediate in morphology between those of extant cetaceans and terrestrial artiodactyls. Ethmoturbinals are also preserved, and are similar in morphology and number to those described for the Miocene odontocete Squalodon. These fossils extend the temporal range of Albertocetus meffordorum into the early Oligocene, its geographic range into South Carolina, and expand our paleobiological understanding of the Xenorophidae.

Fig 1. Locality map of occurrences of Albertocetus meffordorum in North and South Carolina. (A) and a geologic map of Charleston, South Carolina (B), skeletal reconstruction of Albertocetus meffordorum with preserved elements in red (C), generalized stratigraphy at Belgrade Quarry (D)  and generalized Paleogene stratigraphy of the Charleston area (E). Gray in geologic map denotes Ashley Formation and black denotes Chandler Bridge Formation. 

Systematic paleontology

Cetacea Brisson, 1762
Pelagiceti Uhen, 2008

Odontoceti Flower, 1867
Xenorophidae Uhen, 2008

Albertocetus Uhen, 2008
Albertocetus meffordorum Uhen, 2008



1. New odontocete specimens from the lower Oligocene Ashley Formation of South Carolina include an isolated cranium and a partial skeleton including incomplete cranium with petrotympanics and fragmentary mandible, cervical, thoracic, lumbar, and caudal vertebrae, ribs, and a chevron. These specimens extend the range of Albertocetus meffordorum into the early Oligocene.

2. Well-preserved petrosals permit more refined identification of a recently reported petrosal from the upper Oligocene Belgrade Formation of North Carolina as Echovenator sp., and permit referral of two additional Belgrade Formation petrosals to Albertocetus meffordorum and Echovenator sp. Future collecting efforts in North Carolina are expected to yield other cetaceans conspecific with those from the contemporaneous Chandler Bridge Formation of South Carolina.

3. The endocast of Albertocetus meffordorum is intermediate in morphology between extant odontocetes and archaeocete whales. Endocast volume indicates that Albertocetus meffordorum is the most highly encephalized odontocete from the early Oligocene (EQ = 2.586), well within the range of extant delphinoids, and chronicling a drastic jump in EQ across the Eocene-Oligocene boundary. Further study of appropriate body size estimation is needed to investigate the proposed Eocene-Oligocene explosion in odontocete encephalization.

4. The sample size of Albertocetus meffordorum permits the first basic examination of ontogenetic trends in stem Odontoceti. Ontogenetic study of Albertocetus meffordorum identifies several sutures of the dorsal braincase and facial region of interest for assessing ontogenetic status in stem Odontoceti (e.g. median parietal suture, frontoparietal suture, frontonasal suture, parieto-occipital suture), to be confirmed with larger samples of undescribed xenorophids (e.g. Echovenator, Xenorophus). Postcranial epiphyseal fusion is achieved earlier in ontogeny than cranial suture closure in A. meffordorum.

5. Vertebral proportions indicate that Albertocetus meffordorum, like basilosaurids, Mysticeti, and sperm whales, is a "pattern 1" species with no anteroposterior specialization of the vertebral column. This indicates that dorsoventral undulation occurred through the entire flexible lumbocaudal series; this appears to characterize stem odontocetes. Rectangular caudal vertebrae indicate the presence of caudal flukes. Surprisingly, no caudal vertebrae are transversely narrower than tall, suggesting the absence of a transversely narrowed peduncle as in all extant Mysticeti and Odontoceti. Such a feature would imply that the narrow peduncle evolved independently. However, skeletons of stem odontocetes and mysticetes with a more complete caudal series are required to further evaluate this hypothesis.

Robert W. Boessenecker,  Erum Ahmed and  Jonathan H. Geisler. 2017. New Records of the Dolphin Albertocetus meffordorum (Odontoceti: Xenorophidae) from the lower Oligocene of South Carolina: Encephalization, Sensory Anatomy, Postcranial Morphology, and Ontogeny of early Odontocetes. PLoS ONE. 12(11); e0186476.  DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0186476

New postcranial skeleton of ancient dolphin Albertocetus meffordum found in South Carolina via @physorg_com
Fossils in @CofCNatHistory collections @CofC


روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة

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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

[Paleontology • 2017] Exceptional Soft Tissues Preservation in A Mummified Frog-eating Eocene Salamander, Phosphotriton sigei ---ScRaBBlE

Fossil specimen of Phosphotriton sigei, an exceptionally preserved 40-35 million years old salamander (left part) and its internal organs conserved within it (right part). The skeleton, in grey, is perfectly preserved, as well as several soft organs such as the gut and lung. Within the stomach, the last meal of the animal is also preserved. Surprisingly, it fed on a frog, an extremely rare kind of prey for salamanders. Accessing the internal anatomy of this fossil without destroying it could only be achieved through modern synchrotron technology.


Fossils are almost always represented by hard tissues but we present here the exceptional case of a three-dimensionally preserved specimen that was ‘mummified’ (likely between 40 and 34 million years ago) in a terrestrial karstic environment. This fossil is the incomplete body of a salamander, Phosphotriton sigei, whose skeleton and external morphology are well preserved, as revealed by phase-contrast synchrotron X-ray microtomography. In addition, internal structures composed of soft tissues preserved in three dimensions are now identified: a lung, the spinal cord, a lumbosacral plexus, the digestive tract, muscles and urogenital organs that may be cloacal glands. These are among the oldest known cases of three-dimensional preservation of these organs in vertebrates and shed light on the ecology of this salamander. Indeed, the digestive tract contains remains of a frog, which represents the only known case of an extinct salamander that fed on a frog, an extremely rare type of predation in extant salamanders. These new data improve our scarce knowledge on soft tissue anatomy of early urodeles and should prove useful for future biologists and palaeontologists working on urodele evolutionary biology. We also suggest that the presence of bat guano and carcasses represented a close source of phosphorus, favouring preservation of soft tissues. Bone microanatomy indicates that P. sigei was likely amphibious or terrestrial, and was probably not neotenic.

 Synchrotron tomography permitted access to the inside of the skeleton of Phosphotriton sigei. The skeleton and several organs are perfectly preserved.
photo: Jérémy Tissier  

Figure 1: Specimen MNHN.F.QU17755, holotype of Phosphotriton sigei. (A and B) Fossil in dorsal and ventral views. Some characteristics of urodeles, such as costal grooves or scaleless skin, are observable on the external aspect of the specimen. The cloaca and vertebral column are visible. The dotted line represents the position of the tomogram illustrated in Fig. 1C. (C) Tomogram of the tail part of the animal showing the muscles, in green, ventral and lateral to the vertebrae, and the spinal cord preserved inside the neural canal of a vertebra. Bony material is characterized by a dark grey shade, because of its light density, compared to the mineral matrix (grey or white) and void (black). Soft-tissues are also mostly darker than the mineral matrix, but are mainly recognizable by their structure and shape, on tomograms or in 3D. (D) 3D reconstruction of undetermined tail muscles, in green, which could attach to the ischium or femur. Dotted line represents the position of the tomogram illustrated in Fig. 1C.

Ecology. The presence of anuran bones in the digestive tract of the fossil (Figs. 3C–3E) is evidence of a type of predation that is very rare in urodeles. Preying on frogs was reported in Amphiuma (Montaña, Ceneviva-Bastos & Schalk, 2014), a large and especially voracious extant urodele. Another voracious urodele, Necturus, has been reported (Hamilton, 1932) to have eaten other urodeles (Desmognatus and Eurycea), but not frogs. P. sigei was relatively small and the swallowed anuran, although small, was likely a metamorphosed individual, as shown by the well-shaped humeral condyle, but not a fully grown adult, as shown by the broad neural canal, assuming that the vertebrae belong to the same individual as the humerus. The straight diaphysis of the humerus and the position of the humeral condyle in line with the diaphysis suggest that the prey was a ranoid. Ranoids were already reported from the Phosphorites (Rage, 1984; Rage, 2016). The length of the humerus (five mm) suggests that the individual measured about 18–20 mm in snout-vent length.

To further investigate the ecology of the animal, we studied the microanatomy of the femur, through a transverse virtual section of the diaphysis on tomograms, and calculated its compactness profile with the software Bone Profiler (Girondot & Laurin, 2003). Without much surprise, both inference models (based on backward elimination and forward selection procedures, respectively) presented by Laurin, Canoville & Quilhac (2009) suggest an amphibious or terrestrial lifestyle (see Supplemental Information). This would suggest that P. sigei was not neotenic because all extant neotenic urodeles are strictly aquatic.

The only specimen of Phosphotriton sigei represents a peculiar case of exceptional preservation, in which several organs are preserved in three dimensions, in addition to the skeleton: lung, spinal cord, lumbosacral plexus, digestive tract, muscles, and an unidentified urogenital organ. In addition, the alimentary tract contains skeletal remains of a frog, which is a very rare prey for salamanders. Contrary to the above-cited case of arthropods (Schwermann et al., 2016a), we do not believe that the new data on soft anatomy will revolutionize our understanding of lissamphibian evolution, particularly because such characters have played a modest role in phylogenetic studies of lissamphibians. However, these data, such as the presence of a lung, proved critical to place the mummy in the phylogeny, and these data document the oldest known occurrence of anurophagy in urodeles.

Jérémy Tissier​, Jean-Claude Rage and Michel Laurin. 2017. Exceptional Soft Tissues Preservation in A Mummified Frog-eating Eocene Salamander.   PeerJ. 5:e3861.  DOI:  10.7717/peerj.3861
Jérémy Tissier, Jean-Claude Rage, Renaud Boistel, Vincent Fernandez, Nicolas Pollet, Géraldine Garcia and Michel Laurin. 2016. Synchrotron Analysis of A ‘Mummified’ Salamander (Vertebrata: Caudata) from the Eocene of Quercy, France. Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society. 177(1); 147–164.   DOI:   10.1111/zoj.12341

Ancient petrified salamander reveals its last meal via @physorg_com

روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة

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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

[Paleontology • 2017] Neck Biomechanics indicate that Giant Transylvanian Azhdarchid Pterosaurs, Hatzegopteryx sp., were Short-necked Arch Predators ---ScRaBBlE

 Transylvanian giant azhdarchid pterosaur Hatzegopteryx sp. preys on the rhabdodontid iguanodontian Zalmoxes. Because large predatory theropods are unknown on Late Cretaceous Haţeg Island, giant azhdarchids may have played a key role as terrestrial predators in this community. 


Azhdarchid pterosaurs include the largest animals to ever take to the skies with some species exceeding 10 metres in wingspan and 220 kg in mass. Associated skeletons show that azhdarchids were long-necked, long-jawed predators that combined a wing planform suited for soaring with limb adaptations indicative of quadrupedal terrestrial foraging. The postcranial proportions of the group have been regarded as uniform overall, irrespective of their overall size, notwithstanding suggestions that minor variation may have been present. Here, we discuss a recently discovered giant azhdarchid neck vertebra referable to Hatzegopteryx from the Maastrichtian Sebeş Formation of the Transylvanian Basin, Romania, which shows how some azhdarchids departed markedly from conventional views on their proportions. This vertebra, which we consider a cervical VII, is 240 mm long as preserved and almost as wide. Among azhdarchid cervicals, it is remarkable for the thickness of its cortex (4–6 mm along its ventral wall) and robust proportions. By comparing its dimensions to other giant azhdarchid cervicals and to the more completely known necks of smaller taxa, we argue that Hatzegopteryx had a proportionally short, stocky neck highly resistant to torsion and compression. This specimen is one of several hinting at greater disparity within Azhdarchidae than previously considered, but is the first to demonstrate such proportional differences within giant taxa. On the assumption that other aspects of Hatzegopteryx functional anatomy were similar to those of other azhdarchids, and with reference to the absence of large terrestrial predators in the Maastrichtian of Transylvania, we suggest that this pterosaur played a dominant predatory role among the unusual palaeofauna of ancient Haţeg.

Figure 9: Diversity in predicted life appearance and ecologies for giant azhdarchid pterosaurs.
(A) two giant, long-necked azhdarchids—the Maastrichtian species Arambourgiania philadelphiae—argue over a small theropod;
(B) the similarly sized but more powerful Maastrichtian, Transylvanian giant azhdarchid pterosaur Hatzegopteryx sp. preys on the rhabdodontid iguanodontian Zalmoxes. Because large predatory theropods are unknown on Late Cretaceous Haţeg Island, giant azhdarchids may have played a key role as terrestrial predators in this community. 

Darren Naish​​ and Mark P. Witton​. 2017. Neck Biomechanics indicate that Giant Transylvanian Azhdarchid Pterosaurs were Short-necked Arch Predators.
   PeerJ. 5:e2908. DOI:   10.7717/peerj.2908


روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة

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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

[Botany • 2017] Sabal antillensis • A New Palmetto Species (Arecaceae) from the Leeward Antilles ---ScRaBBlE

Sabal antillensis M.P.Griff.


A new species of palmetto, Sabal antillensis, native to Curaçao and Bonaire, is described and illustrated. The new species is characterized by a pachycaulous habit, a compact crown of leaves, large seeds, and frequent fiber bundles in leaflet transection. Details on history, morphology, distribution, habitat, and conservation status are provided.

Keywords: anatomy, Coryphoideae, Christoffelpark, Palmae, palms, Southern Caribbean, Monocots

FIGURE 2. Sabal antillensis, Christoffelpark, Curaçao, showing pachycaul trunk habit, and most leaves held at an angle ascending from the trunk axis (photograph: Griffith). 

Sabal antillensis M.P.Griff., sp. nov.

Diagnosis:— This new species is most similar to Sabal causiarum in leaf morphology and inflorescence structure, but differs in the pachycaul habit, the petioles less than half the total leaf length giving a distinctive densely foliated crown, the smaller and less persistent ligules, the more divided leaf segments and leaf segment apices, the frequent adaxial fiber bundles between most secondary minor leaf segment veins, the inflorescences not pendant below the leaves, the abaxially lepidote sheathing inflorescence bracts, the lower density of flowers on the rachilla, the tubular to cupulate calyx, the larger fruits and the larger seeds. 

 Distribution:— This species occurs on the islands of Bonaire and Curaçao. On Bonaire, the plants are found in the southern part of the island, west of Lac Bay and north of the solar salt factory. On Curaçao, the plants are within and to the west of Christoffelpark, on the western side of Christoffelberg.

 Habitat:— On Bonaire, the plants are found in the Coccoloba–Melocactus Middle Terrace landscape type (de Freitas et al. 2005), on limestone pavements, at elevations near 5 m. On Curaçao, the plants are found in the Bromelia– Schomburgkia Hills landscape type (Beers et al. 1997), on cherty mudstones, at elevations between 140–260 m.

Local Names:— The plant is called Cabana or Sabalpalm in the Dutch Caribbean. 
Etymology:— The name honors the Dutch Antilles, where the species is endemic. 

M. Patrick Griffith , John De Freitas , Michelle Barros and Larry R. Niblick. 2017. Sabal antillensis (Arecaceae): A New Palmetto Species from the Leeward Antilles.
 Phytotaxa. 303(1);  56–64. DOI:  10.11646/phytotaxa.303.1.4

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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

[Paleontology • 2019] Descriptive Anatomy of the Largest Known Specimen of Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) including Computed Tomography and Digital Reconstruction of A Three-dimensional Skull ---ScRaBBlE

Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis Appleby, 1979

in Lomax, Porro & Larkin, 2019.  

Ichthyosaur fossils are abundant in Lower Jurassic sediments with nine genera found in the UK. In this paper, we describe the partial skeleton of a large ichthyosaur from the Lower Jurassic (lower Sinemurian) of Warwickshire, England, which was conserved and rearticulated to form the centrepiece of a new permanent gallery at the Thinktank, Birmingham Science Museum in 2015. The unusual three-dimensional preservation of the specimen permitted computed tomography (CT) scanning of individual braincase elements as well as the entire reassembled skull. This represents one of the first times that medical imaging and three-dimensional reconstruction methods have been applied to a large skull of a marine reptile. Data from these scans provide new anatomical information, such as the presence of branching vascular canals within the premaxilla and dentary, and an undescribed dorsal (quadrate) wing of the pterygoid hidden within matrix. Scanning also revealed areas of the skull that had been modelled in wood, clay and other materials after the specimen’s initial discovery, highlighting the utility of applying advanced imaging techniques to historical specimens. Additionally, the CT data served as the basis for a new three-dimensional reconstruction of the skull, in which minor damage was repaired and the preserved bones digitally rearticulated. Thus, for the first time a digital reconstruction of the skull and mandible of a large marine reptile skull is available. Museum records show the specimen was originally identified as an example of Ichthyosaurus communis but we identify this specimen as Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis. The specimen features a skull nearly twice as long as any previously described specimen of P. prostaxalis, representing an individual with an estimated total body length between 3.2 and 4 m.

Figure 1: Three-dimensional skull of BMT 1955.G35.1, Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis.
 (A) Original photograph of the first skull reconstruction (left lateral view) within a couple of years of the 1955 excavation. Note that the prefrontal and postorbital are present, which we have been unable to locate in our study. (B) Skull in left lateral view, as reconstructed in 2015. (C) Skull in right lateral view, as reconstructed in 2015. Note the distinctive asymmetric maxilla with long, narrow anterior process. Teeth are not in their original positions. Scale bar represents 20 cm.

In this study, we describe a large, partial ichthyosaur skeleton from the Early Jurassic of Warwickshire, England. In addition to examining the specimen, we carried out CT scanning of individual skull bones as well as the entire, reassembled skull, one of the first times the skull of a large marine reptile has been successfully CT-scanned, visualized and reconstructed in 3D (see McGowan, 1989; Foffa et al., 2014a). CT scanning contributed greatly to our anatomical description by revealing features not visible on original fossil material such as: branching, longitudinal vascular canals within the premaxilla and dentary; short canals penetrating the nasal, lacrimal, stapes and articular; trabecular bone within the opisthotic; canals in the basisphenoid and supraoccipital; the presence of the quadrate process of the pterygoid; and the sutural morphology. We also demonstrate the utility of applying medical imaging techniques to historic specimens to differentiate between original fossil material and reconstructed regions, as well as the advantage of using digital visualization to accurately reconstruct large fossil specimens in 3D.

The detailed description of the three-dimensional skull and braincase presented herein also provides information that can be used in phylogenetic studies. Although incomplete, the skull and braincase preserve various elements that have not previously been reported or described in any specimen of Protoichthyosaurus and therefore it provides more information about this taxon so that its phylogenetic position can be explored in more detail. Furthermore, our study has found additional characters that may lend further support for the distinction of Protoichthyosaurus from its sister taxon Ichthyosaurus, such as the morphology of the pterygoid and anteroventral surface of the parietal, which differ from that described for Ichthyosaurus (McGowan, 1973). However, considering that only a couple of specimens preserve these elements, it is possible that the differences may be the result of individual variation; more three-dimensional specimens of both taxa are needed to test and clarify these findings.

Based on a unique combination of characters, we identify the studied specimen as P. prostaxalis. With a skull nearly twice as long as any previously described specimen of P. prostaxalis, this specimen greatly increases the known size range of this genus. Compared with known, contemporaneous Sinemurian ichthyosaurs, the estimated size suggests it was larger than all species of Ichthyosaurus (Lomax & Sachs, 2017), and comparable with the largest known specimens of Leptonectes tenuirostris (McGowan, 1996a), but smaller than L. solei (McGowan, 1993), Excalibosaurus costini (McGowan, 2003) and Temnodontosaurus platyodon (McGowan, 1996b). Thus, our study also provides new information on ichthyosaur diversity and potential ecology in the Early Jurassic of the UK.

Dean R. Lomax, Laura B. Porro and Nigel R. Larkin. 2019. Descriptive Anatomy of the Largest Known Specimen of Protoichthyosaurus prostaxalis (Reptilia: Ichthyosauria) including Computed Tomography and Digital Reconstruction of A Three-dimensional Skull.   PeerJ. 7:e6112. DOI:  10.7717/peerj.6112

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