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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Showing posts with label Dromaeosauridae. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Dromaeosauridae. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

[Paleontology • 2017] Troodontids (Theropoda) from the Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, with A Description of A Unique New Taxon, Latenivenatrix mcmasterae: Implications for Deinonychosaur Diversity in North America ---ScRaBBlE

Latenivenatrix mcmasterae
van der Reest & Currie, 2017 


Troodontids are known from Asia and North America, with the most complete specimens from the Jurassic of China and the Cretaceous of Mongolia. North American troodontids are poorly known, and specimens that have been described are isolated elements or partial skeletons with limited material. A new troodontid from the upper Dinosaur Park Formation (upper Campanian) is based on partial skulls, several vertebrae, ribs, gastralia, chevrons, a sacrum, partial pelvis, and partial fore and hind limbs. It is the largest troodontid known, with an estimated height of 180 cm and length of 350 cm. Like other troodontids, it possesses an elongated ambiens process and has a horizontal ventral margin of the postacetabular process. It differs from all other derived troodontids in that the slightly retroverted pubis has a shaft that curves anteroventrally. Some specimens from the Dinosaur Park Formation previously assigned to Troodon are reassigned to the new taxon, including multiple partial crania, an associated dentary and metatarsus, and a partial skeleton. Previously undescribed elements from the lower part of the Dinosaur Park Formation are assigned to the resurrected Stenonychosaurus inequalis. Distinct stratigraphic separation of Stenonychosaurus inequalis and the new taxon indicates a replacement in troodontid fauna, similar to the turnover of large ornithischians in the same formation. The new taxon is phylogenetically more closely related to Mongolian taxa, indicating the replacement of Stenonychosaurus may have been from an earlier Asian form immigrating into North America.

 Latenivenatrix mcmasterae
Life reconstruction by Julius Csotonyi. 

Systematic palaeontology
Theropoda Marsh, 1881
Maniraptora Gauthier, 1986
Troodontidae Gilmore, 1924 sensu Turner et al. 2012
Troodontinae, clade nov.

DEFINITION: The most inclusive clade containing Gobivenator mongoliensis and Zanabazar junior.
DIAGNOSIS: Troodontinae differs from all other more basal troodontids by possessing an elongated ambiens process that is present on the anterior margin of the iliopubic symphysis.

Latenivenatrix gen. nov. 

Latenivenatrix mcmasterae gen. et sp. nov.

ETYMOLOGY: The generic name derives from “latens” (Latin for latent and hiding) and “venatrix” (feminine form in Latin for hunter). “Latent” refers to the taxon having been in multiple collections for nearly 100 years but unrecognized until now. “Hiding” has a similar meaning to latent, but also refers to a predatory animal hiding in cover until a suitable time to attack its prey. “Hunter” refers to it being carnivorous. The specific epithet honours the late mother of the first author, Lynne (McMaster) van der Reest.

 Stenonychosaurus inequalis Sternberg, 1932

Aaron J. van der Reest and Philip J. Currie. 2017. Troodontids (Theropoda) from the Dinosaur Park Formation, Alberta, with A Description of A Unique New Taxon: Implications for Deinonychosaur Diversity in North America. Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences. 54; xx. DOI: 10.1139/cjes-2017-0031

 Introducing Latenivenatrix mcmasterae, new Troodontid from the DPF published in @CanJEarthSci this morning! Sorry Troodon formosus #invalid

Dino hips discovery unravels species riddle via @ualberta @EurekAlert

Résumé: Les troodontidés connus proviennent d’Asie et d’Amérique du Nord, les spécimens les plus complets provenant du Jurassique de la Chine et du Crétacé de la Mongolie. Les troodontidés nord-américains sont peu connus et les spécimens décrits consistent en des éléments isolés ou des squelettes partiels représentés par une quantité limitée de matériau. Un nouveau troodontidé de la partie supérieure de la Formation de Dinosaur Park (Campanien supérieur) est basé sur des crânes partiels, plusieurs vertèbres, des côtes, une gastralia, des chevrons, un sacrum, un pelvis partiel et des membres antérieurs et postérieurs partiels. Il s’agit du plus grand troodontidé connu, dont la hauteur est estimée a` 180 cm et la longueur, a` 350 cm. À l’instar d’autres troodontidés, il présente un processus ambiens allongé et une marge ventrale horizontale du processus post-acétabulaire. Il se distingue de tous les autres troodontidés dérivés par son pubis légèrement rétroversé doté d’une diaphyse courbée antéroventralement. Certains spécimens de la Formation de Dinosaur Park auparavant attribués a` Troodon, incluant plusieurs crânes partiels, un os dentaire et un métatarse associés, ainsi qu’un squelette partiel, sont réaffectés au nouveau taxon. Des éléments non décrits auparavant de la partie inférieure de la Formation de Dinosaur Park sont affectés a` Stenonychosaurus inequalis. La séparation stratigraphique claire de Stenonychosaurus inequalis et du nouveau taxon indique un remplacement de la faune de troodontidés semblable au renouvellement des grands ornithischiens de la même formation. Le nouveau taxon est plus étroitement apparenté sur le plan phylogénétique aux taxons de Mongolie, ce qui indique que le remplacement de Stenonychosaurus pourrait être dû a` l’immigration en Amérique du Nord d’une forme asiatique plus ancienne.

روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة

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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

[Paleontology • 2017] Zhongjianosaurus yangi • A New Tiny Dromaeosaurid Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning and Niche Differentiation Among the Jehol Dromaeosaurids ---ScRaBBlE

Zhongjianosaurus yangi 
Xu & Qin, 2017 

The Early Cretaceous Jehol dromaeosaurids are taxonomically and morphologically diverse, and one of them, Microraptor zhaoianus, has been suggested to be among the smallest known non-avialan theropods. However, this idea is based on specimens of relatively early ontogenetic stages, and the lower limit of the mature body mass of Jehol dromaeosaurids thus remains unknown. Here we describe a new dromaeosaurid, Zhongjianosaurus yangi gen. et sp. nov., based on a specimen from the Lower Cretaceous Yixian Formation (the middle section of the Jehol Group) from Sihedang, Lingyuan County, Liaoning in Northeast China. While this new taxon is referable to the Microraptorinae, it differs from other microraptorine dromaeosaurids in numerous features, most notably the fusion of proportionally long uncinate processes to dorsal ribs, a humerus with a strongly medially offset proximal end and a large fenestra within the deltopectoral crest, an ulna slightly longer than the humerus, and an arctometatarsalian pes. Most significantly, the estimated 0.31 kg mass of the Z. yangi holotype of an adult individual confirms that some Jehol dromaeosaurids are among the smallest known non-avialan theropods. Our preliminary analysis demonstrates niche differentiation among the Jehol dromaeosaurids, a phenomenon rarely reported among Mesozoic dinosaurian faunas. 

Key words:  Lower Cretaceous, Jehol Group, Theropoda, Dromaeosauridae, small size, morphological variation, niche differentiation


Systematic paleontology

 Theropoda Marsh, 1881
 Tetanurae Gauthier, 1986
 Dromaeosauridae Matthew et Brown, 1922

Zhongjianosaurus yangi gen. et sp. nov.
 Etymology: The genus name and specific epithet are in honor of Yang Zhongjian (C.C. Young), who is the founder of vertebrate paleontology in China.

Locality and Horizon: Sihedang, Lingyuan County, Liaoning Province, China. Possibly Yixian Formation, Aptian, Cretaceous (Swisher et al., 2001).

Diagnosis: A tiny microraptorine theropod distinguishable from other microraptorines in the following autapomorphies: proportionally long ossified uncinate processes fused to dorsal ribs, widely arched furcula with slender and posteriorly curved clavicular rami, humeral proximal end strongly offset medially from humeral shaft, humeral internal tuberosity short, presence of large fenestra within humeral deltopectoral crest, humeral ulnar condyle hypertrophied, ulna slightly longer than humerus, ulnar olecranon process with posterior margin mediolaterally pinched, ulnar distal end bending anteriorly and strongly expanded laterally, proximal end of metacarpal II with strong ventrolateral extension, metacarpal III laterally bowed with longitudinal ventral groove, phalanx II-2 without proximodorsal lip and lacking strong dorsal arching, femoral head stout and lower than trochanteric crest, medial condyle of tibiotarsus distal end with a prominent distal extension, arctometatarsalian pes, and metatarsal II without ginglymus on distal end.


 Xing Xu and Zi-Chuan Qin. 2017. A New Tiny Dromaeosaurid Dinosaur from the Lower Cretaceous Jehol Group of western Liaoning and Niche Differentiation Among the Jehol Dromaeosaurids. Vertebrata PalAsiatica. In press.

روابط التحميل والمشاهدة، الروابط المباشرة للتحميل
شاهد هذا الفيديو القصير لطريقة التحميل البسيطة

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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

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