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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

[Botany • 2018] Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata (Zingiberaceae) • A New Species of Vanoverberghia from the Philippines ---ScRaBBlE

Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata  Docot & Ambida

in Ambida, Alviar, Co, Concepcion, Banag & Docot, 2018. 

A new species from the Philippines, Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata, is described and illustrated here. The new species is most similar to Vanoverberghia sepulchrei from which it differs in its leaves with oblong to narrowly elliptic lamina, unevenly truncate ligule apex, glabrous and red floral bracts, red calyx, white or pink corolla tube and lobes, and absence of spots on the style.

Keywords: Philippines; Vanoverberghia; Zingiberaceae; least concern; new species

Fig. 1 Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata Docot & Ambida.
a. Habit; b. ligule; c. inflorescence; d. leaf apex; e. flower at anthesis; f. mature fruit; g. flower (all from type locality).

— Scale bars = 1 cm. — Photos by R.V.A. Docot. 
Abbreviations: an: anther; br: bracts; ca: calyx; dc: dorsal corolla lobes; fl: flower; lc: lateral corolla lobes; la: labellum; nc: nectaries (epigynous glands); ov: ovary; pe: pedicel; sg: stigma.

Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata Docot & Ambida, sp. nov. 

Similar to Vanoverberghia sepulchrei Merr. but differs in the shape of the lamina (oblong to narrowly elliptic not oblong only), shape of the ligule apex (unevenly truncate not rounded), surface and colour of the floral bracts (glabrous and red not pubescent and white), colour of the calyx (red not pinkish white), colour of the corolla tube and lobes (white or pink not white only), and absence of spots on the style. 
— Type: R.V.A. Docot 0123 (holo PNH no. 256337; iso E, NY, SING, USTH), Philippines, Luzon, Quezon, Tayabas, Barangay Lalo, Mount Banahaw, ..., 1432 m, 12 Nov. 2017. 

 Etymology. The specific epithet refers to the red floral bracts.

Vernacular names — Akbab (Igorot language), Bagombong (Tagalog), and Tagbak (Bisaya). 

Fig. 3 Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata Docot & Ambida.
a. Mountain Province; b. Ifugao ; c. Negros Occidental; d. Antique
(a, c: without voucher; b: D.N. Tandang & R.T. Angeles s.n.; d: R.V.A. Docot 0118).

 — Photos by: a. H. Funakoshi; b. D.N. Tandang; c. P.B. Pelser; d. R.V.A. Docot.

Map 1 Distribution of Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata Docot & Ambida (★),
V. sasakiana Funak. & H.Ohashi (◆) and Vsepulchrei Merr. (■).

Distribution & Habitat — Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata is endemic to the Philippines and occurs in the provinces of Antique, Capiz, Ifugao, Quezon, Mountain Province, Negros Occidental, Rizal, and Sorsogon. It inhabits montane forests along streams and ravines from 1000–1600 m.

Notes — Vanoverberghia rubrobracteata and V. sepulchrei both occur in the provinces of Ifugao and Mountain Province. The population of the new species in these two provinces which are located more northerly, however, are quite distinct from the populations distributed more southerly by having pink corolla tube and lobes (vs white) (Fig. 3a, b). Since only the colour of the corolla tube and lobes was found to be different, this study cannot warrant the populations from Ifugao and Mountain Province to be recognized as a separate species nor a variety.

J.H.B. Ambida, A.M.A. Alviar, P.S.A. Co, F.G.M. Concepcion, C.I. Banag and R.V.A. Docot. 2018. A New Species of Vanoverberghia (Zingiberaceae) from the Philippines.  Blumea - Biodiversity, Evolution and Biogeography of Plant. DOI:  10.3767/blumea.2018.63.02.07


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