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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Yes - House of Yes Live from House of the Blues (2000) ---ScRaBBlE

Vuelve nuestro amigo el Doctor Romero para revivir este disco de Yes, un directo grabado durante una noche de Halloween en Las Vegas y en el que interpretan varios clásicos inolvidables por cualquier amante del rock sinfónico, sea de donde sea y tenga la edad que tenga. No podemos dejar esto fuera del blog cabezón, y agradezcan al dotor Romero!

Artista: Yes
Álbum: House of Yes Live from House of the Blues
Año: 2000
Género: Rock sinfónico
Duración: 111:01
Nacionalidad: Inglaterra

Otra vez Marcelo B. esta vez compartiendo una maravilla a la que no le hace mucha presentación, un regalito para año nuevo que les dejamos en este blog a todos nuestros amigos y también a quienes nos putean.

House of Yes: Live from House of Blues es un álbum en directo del grupo británico de rock progresivo Yes, editado en el año 2000 por Eagle Records.
Publicado como CD doble, el álbum recoge la actuación de Yes del 31 de octubre de 1999, en el recinto House of Blues, de Las Vegas, en los EE.UU. La formación que ofreció aquél concierto era un sexteto, integrado por Jon Anderson, Chris Squire, Steve Howe, Igor Khoroshev, Billy Sherwood y Alan White, este sería el último registro de Yes con Khoroshev y Sherwood, quienes se alejarían de la banda al poco tiempo.

"House of Yes: Live from House of Blues" es un directo de Yes grabado durante una noche de Halloween en Las Vegas y en el que interpretan varios clásicos inolvidables por cualquier amante del rock sinfónico, sea de donde sea y tenga la edad que tenga. Vamos con un comentario a ver qué es lo que dicen los especialistas en referencia a éste disco:

Un fascinante disco que abarca temas de toda la carrera de esta institución del rock progresivo, nos muestra este álbum en vivo doble que rememora las grandes obras épicas de la banda en directo, como "Yessongs" y "Yesshows". En él encontramos canciones clásicas, de la llamada "época de oro" de la banda, como 'Your Is No Disgrace', 'Perpetual Change', 'And You And I', 'Your Move/I've Seen All Good People' y 'Roundabout'; algunas del período ochentero como la instrumental 'Cinema' y la comercial 'Owner Of A Lonely Heart'; obviamente temas del disco en promoción, "Ladder", como la hermosa 'Homeworld (The Ladder)', 'Lightning Strikes', 'The Messenger' y 'Face To Face'. Además, en un lugar privilegiado, nos topamos con la increíble versión de 17 minutos para el tema del disco de fines de los 70 "Going For The One", 'Awaken', todo matizado con pequeños fragmentos de clásicos como 'Ritual' del álbum "Tales From Topographic Oceans" y 'Time And A Word' del elepé del mismo nombre.
Es que esta formación de Yes con los legendarios integrantes Jon Anderson, Steve Howe, Chris Squire y Alan White, más el guitarrista Billy Sherwood (quien reemplaza a Trevor Rabin) y el virtuoso (no podría haber sido de otra manera si es por sustituir a Rick Wakeman) tecladista ruso Igor Khoroshev, han sabido crear un equilibrio perfecto de todo lo que ha sido la agrupación en sus más de 30 años de carrera. Por un lado, lo netamente sinfónico, pasando por la época más comercial de principios de los 80, hasta lo más nuevo con esta formación, que en definitiva, y aunque suene simplista, deja a todos contentos.
Un extraordinario elepé que nos demuestra que las grandes bandas del rock contemporáneo no se gastan, ni se cansan de crear buenos discos y que no han perdido ningún centímetro su calidad en vivo. Quizás, lo único que se extraña es el sonido profundo y potente del bajo de Squire de los 70, que lo ha dejado por un sonido más procesado y fino. Pero eso es sólo cuestión de opiniones. No me queda más que brindar una reverencia a estos dinosaurios del rock progresivo. Sí, dinosaurios, pero tan vigentes como siempre.
Héctor Aravena

Hay una versión en video de éste disco pero ésta es la versión en CD. Para ir cerrando la presentación de éste disco les dejo algunos comentarios en inglés y vamos preparando el brindis...

The maturity of this immortal band is reaching the top once again,despite of a new different line-up, as long as you stand listening continually to their classics at least,but with the same emotion and also in the next years I hope!! Of course I think of Rick Wakeman, replaced by Igor Khoroshev, and of Alan White in the place of Bill Bruford as well (like in their recent following "Magnification Tour" with an orchestra, except on the keyboardist,an important role which is not represented by Khoroshev anymore) and that's such a pity, but it never minds...they perform a pretty good job here,especially in their recent repertoire regarding the period of "The Ladder"; while Bill Sherwood (already founder of World Trade) is becoming a dignified rhythmical guitarist at the end, well conscious of his role during a few guitar solos, like that one of "Cinema" and supporting Steve Howe in a remarkable manner!! Instead Chris Squire is still able to create the magical atmosphere of the early albums and clever also in the chorus section concerning "Your Move/I've seen All Good People" from "The Yes Album"...his role as a bass player is always important, even though this time he doesn't exaggerate his ability at his harmonic passages. Besides Jon Anderson is in a "good shape" and almost at his top form, despite of choosing to point his recent production out in a diverse light, in comparison to their last "Magnification Tour" (within this latter excellent albums like "Relayer" and "Close to the edge" were the main part of their live repertoire). Moreover Steve Howe is becoming an old guitarist nowadays,but he has always got the same talent and enthusiasm of the early days with Yes, and I think that's enough...this album is recommended, although the line-up and the choice of the songs is not perfect yet: it never minds anyway!!

This is a very good live album, which includes songs from the "classic" albums ("The YES album", "Fragile", "Close to the Edge"), one of the "Pop Rock" albums ("Cinema" and "Owner of a Lonely Heart"), two very little versions of two old songs, played by Anderson/Khoroshev ("Time and a word" and "Ritual-Nous Sommes du soleil"), one song from "Going for the one" ("Awaken"), plus 5 songs from the 1999 album "The Ladder", all recorded live in October 31, 1999, in "The House of Blues",in Las Vegas. The recording is good, but the keyboards are mixed lower than the rest of the instruments. All the songs from "The Ladder" sound better played live, particularly "It Will be a good day", which has an extended guitar solo by Howe at the end of the song. As I went to see YES playing in concert in my city in late September 1999, and as I had read in the Internet that they played "Awaken" in their previous South American concerts in that tour, I expected to hear "Awaken" played here in concert, but they played "Close to the Edge" instead (which is also announced by a sticker in the cover as being included in this album, but it is not true). So, the main reason to buy this album was to hear "Awaken" played by this line-up (apart from "It will be a good day", a song I like a lot). Igor Khoroshev does a very good job in "Awaken", but also in all the other songs, showing that he could play songs from any period of YES sounding very good. Billy Sherwood was mainly a rhythm guitarist, sometimes playing the same notes as Squire, but he also plays lead guitar , playing Rabin`s solo in "Cinema" and "Owner of a lonely heart" (with also a guitar solo by Howe at the end of "Owner..."), and also shares guitar solos with Howe in "The Messenger". The credits say that all 6 musicians of the band sang, so the vocals are "strong". This concert was also released in D.V.D. and V.H.S. videos (none of which I have seen yet). This album brings me very good memories of seeing YES live in 1999, as they played almost the same songs included in this album.
Guillermo Vázquez Malagamba

If you really want to venture with another line-up of Yes performing some of their classic stuffs, this live CD is worth your spending. Recorded during their performance at the House Of Blues, Las Vegas, in 1999, the band features Steve Howe on guitar, Igor Khoroshev on keys, Jon Anderson on vocals (percussion and harp, too), Alan White on drums and percussion, Chris Squire on bass, and Billy Sherwood on guitar. My reason to purchase the CD was clear: I want to hear classic stuffs and some new ones performed by new line up with new digital recording technology. Igor Khoroshev is a great keyboardist and he can replace Rick in this performance.
The set list for this performance includes five tracks from The Ladder, plus a smattering of classics. The show starts off with their classic track "Yours Is No Disgrace", performed smoothly and energetically. The performance is very attractive. When my favorite track "Homeworld (The Ladder)" is performed, I'm really happy as the song has been delivered flawlessly. "Perpetual Change" is one of my favorites and the band played it well. If I have to select the best of best cut for the live CD is the performance for "Awaken" from Going For The One album. Two factors why I think this is best of best: first, it's a great track with powerful composition and not straight forward structure, it offers a lot of variations. Second, I wondered how Igor would play the keyboard solo during quiet passage where only keyboard and Jon's triangle fill the music. Wow! Igor did his job really well! I salute him for his speedy fingers punched at his keyboard. This part has always been my ultimate enjoyment of this song. After this track was performed brilliantly, I don't actually really care about how other tracks would be performed. It's a masterpiece song. It's a legend.
It's an excellent addition to any prog music collection especially if you love Yes. Keep on proggin'
Gatot Widayanto

I saw this tour in February 2000 in Brussels. This was my first YesConcert since 1977 (in Antwerp during their "Going For The One" tour). I had completely disconnected from Yes for about twenty years when I reconstructed my YesCatalogue. Since then, I saw them three times and discovered their in-between albums (and I could figure out that I did not miss too much - to say the least). This was the supporting tour from "The Ladder" which was a good surprise. This double CD was recorded on the Halloween night in Las Vegas, 1999.
By the time of release (September 2000), Sherwood had left the band. Five tracks from the tour come out of this record, which indicates that the band understood that they had produced some good studio work and that they were willing to stand for it during their live representations. Most of them sound really good and are well chosen (although "Lightning Strikes" is not really the type of track you expect from Yes since like Jon says while he introduced the song " It is samba oriented") !
As usual the concert started with "Firebird" which is not represented here. Instead we get immediately "Yours" : this version is a solid and rocking rendition (more than the original). Steve is absolutely fantastic in his rageous and devastating guitar solo : a great moment and a bloody good opener for a concert. There are also two excerpts for "Time and A Word" and "Ritual" : less than one minute. During the concert, I did not quite understand this and I still don't while I listen to this CD. What's the use of this ?
"Homeworld" sounds great and is on par with most of the "old" songs represented here (except "Awaken" of course). I was quite happy to listen to "Perpetual Change" : this track has not been played live that much and has always been one of my fave. This version is closer to the original than on YesSongs (no drum solo, slower tempo). Steve is really great in this track. I am less positive for the version of "&Y&I" which sounds a bit heavier and slower than usual (during some parts, but faster for others which is quite annoying - at least for me). Less emotions as well.
"It Will Be A Good Day" is another pleasant song from "The Ladder". More rythm and harder attack from the band (drums & guitar) than in studio. Good live version, really. "Face To Face" was another good song from "The Ladder" (IMO, they shouldn't have skipped "New Language" which is my second fave from the album).
The highlight of disc two is of course "Awaken" from GFTO. Khoroshev's ability to render a true YesClassic is impressive. He was a YesFan before he joined the band and the period he preferred was Rick's one); so the influence is obvious. He is really gifted but less pompous and demonstrative than Rick (specially during live shows). In one word : sobriety and simplicity. This version is almost perfect and I remember that there was a lot of emotion during the concert (since it will be the only epic during this tour). Great time.
The "I've Seen" part of the dual song with "Your Move" has never been my cup of tea but it was a nice and strong closing number. The encores start with two songs from "90125" : the strong (but short) "Cinema", their mega hit "Owner" and as for most of their shows since a very long time, it ends with "Roudabout". What else can an old fan request ? Not much, I guess. The end of the song for this particular concert will end with a bluesy section dedicated to "The House Of Blues".
A quite rocking end for this concert, to leave the fans rather satisfied I remember. "Hearts" will be played almost throughout the tour but is not available here. There will also be "Mood For A Day", and / or "Clap" played during the European tour. The sound of this live album is not as good as on "Keys" (their greatest live album all time IMO) but still quite decent. Four stars.

These days, you can probably buy a copy of Yes Live On Order In Anytown Theatre, there are that many live Yes album releases, audio and visual. I am guilty of owning a fair few of them, but I have to say that this is one of my particular favourites.
Recorded at the legendary House Of Blues, this is from The Ladder tour, and is virtually note for note from the gig I saw in Cardiff, Wales, and this was easily one of the finest shows I saw the band on.
The major reason? Well, I thought The Ladder was a fine, excellent release, the sound of a band still forcefully relevant over 30 years since their formation, and well before they could be accused of needing incarceration in the nearest retirement home. In fact, I rather regret that this particular version of the band were so short lived, because at the heart of this is the incredible performance by one Igor Khuroshev, the Russian born keyboardist brought into the band by Anderson (they allegedly recorded an album together which never saw the light of day) following one of Wakeman's by now regular strops and exits, and what an addition he was, too. Sorry, but listening to Awaken, and Homeworld, in particular, this only goes to show that this man was vastly superior to anything Geoff Downes could possibly bring to Yes.
The way in which Perpetual Change is hammered out, and jammed, takes one back to those halcyon days of the 1970's, when this great band had so much to say to the world musically.
The production is crystal clear. The band sound like they are genuinely enjoying every single second of performing (just witness Squire harmonising and thumping out that bass and White crashing away as if his very life depended upon it, the sound of prog's greatest ever rhythm section), and all of the new material comes over very well indeed.
A gem of a live album, and very highly recommended. This is not merely a "greatest hits live" recording, but the chronicle of a genuine tour promoting very strong new material, and all sit together extremely nicely.
Steve Lazland

With all the live material which has been made available from Yes over the years in various formats the obvious choice remains 1973`s unquantifiable Yessongs. If one wants to know how the band had matured over roughly 18 year period since it`s release then House Of Yes is arguably the obvious choice. Immaculately produced from one of performances at the The House of Blues in Las Vegas during the 1999 Ladder tour it contains a suprisingly well selected set-list which encompasses their entire career up to that point. It even includes a rendition of the Owner Of A Lonely Heart from the Rabin era which makes it even more attractive for fans of Yes` 1980s pop phase, although long-time afficiados might wince at a couple of cut-down oldies which are nothing more than teases, shaking their heads wondering why they bothered to include them in the first place. Nonetheless, relatively complete versions of the other tracks more than adequately atone for this minor atrocity.
What really gives this album sustenance & colour are newcomer Igor Koroshev`s well tempered keyboards. His stylings, although attempting to capture the essence of predecessor Rick Wakeman, are more lush and fluid unlike Wakeman`s harsher right hand attacks which were much more in tune with the pomp & circumstance of the Yes of the early seventies. As a result a more liquefied flow is attained by the band as a whole here and breaths of new life are fluxed into older tracks such as I`ve Seen All Good People and Yours Is No Disgrace which give the band more unity than on previous live recordings. Chris Squire`s usually loud bass fits better into the equation here which is toned down a notch while Howe just breezes through the entire set as if he just stepped out of a time machine from 1973. A couple of thouroughly enjoyable highlights are the refreshing Lightning Strikes and The Messenger where the band steps slightly out of character rocking it out with samba and reggae rhythms adding a new dimension and radiance to this version of Yes. The extended 17 minute epic Awaken in all it`s splendour recalls the glory days of art rock concerts in the seventies. In addition to being a worthy successor to Close To The Edge it also serves as a testament to the fact that Yes were one of the few bands, if not the only one, who could pull off a marvel like this on the eve of the 21st century in a venue such as the House Of Blues. Naturally the almost compulsory Roundabout appears as the last encore but is given a soecial House Of The Blues treatment!
Adorned with Roger Dean artwork which has about as little to do with the recording as Yes has to do with the blues, the performances on House Of Yes are very mature, animated and refined and represent Yes in top form as they enter their third decade.
Ian Gledhill

Do you like "live" albums? I do, in fact I love to listen live albums. I know that some parts are rerecorded in studio, I know that are some remixing, but I still think that live albums are the closest thing to an actual concert to most fans (I do not believe that I will have a chance to see Yes in concert in a city near of mine, by the way). That said, I must recognize that "House of Yes" is a terrific live album: great song selection (I would delete only "Lightning Strikes", but since it's here, I can always program my CD player), an energetic and inspired performance, and a fantastic sound. Besides, there's a little surprise at the end of "Roundabout": a short blues section. I never thought that I would hear Yes bluesing, and this few seconds are worth the price of the album. If you have other live Yes albums, you can buy this one without regrets; if you don't, buy "Yessongs" and "Yesshows" first - then you can grab your copy of "House of Yes".

This is a good record of a mature band playing to a high standard. The production lacks bass, a pity given Chris Squire's skill and importance in the band. The tracks are a mixture of mainly old and some new. Awaken is the highlight, whilst the album provides a relatively rare audition of Homeworld, a great recent opus.

Esta fue la última sorpresa que el blog cabezón les deja en este 2015, año plagado de buenos discos, novedades, cosas inconseguibles, ignotos y excelentes registros musicales de todos lados del mundo, y como siempre el mejor progresivo latinoamericano.
Qué mejor que éste disco para terminar el año...
Y agradezcan a Marcelo B. por el aporte. Brindemos...
Lista de Temas:
Disk One: (58:40)
1. Yours is No Disgrace (13:03)
2. Time and a Word (0:58)
3. Homeworld (The Ladder)(9:44)
4. Perpetual Change (10:48)
5. Lightning Strikes (5:07)
6. The Messenger (6:39)
7. Ritual - Nous Sommes Du Soleil (0:59)
8. And You And I (11:22)
Disc Two: (52:21)
1. It Will Be A Good Day (The River) (6:28)
2. Face to Face (5:32)
3. Awaken (17:34)
4. Your Move / I've Seen All Good People (7:27)
5. Cinema (1:57)
6. Owner of a Lonely Heart (6:03)
7. Roundabout (7:40)

- Jon Anderson / voz
- Chris Squire / bajo, coros
- Steve Howe / guitarra, coros
- Igor Khoroshev / teclados
- Billy Sherwood / guitarra, coros
- Alan White / batería

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ملاحظة هامة: كل عمليات تنزيل، رفع، وتعديل المواضيع الجاهزة تتم بطريقة آلية، ونعتذر عن اي موضوع مخالف او مخل بالحياء مرفوع بالمدونات الجاهزة بآلاف المواضيع والمشاركات، ولكم ان تقوموا بحذف هذه المواضيع والمشاركات والطريقة بسيطة وسهلة. ــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــــسلامـ.

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