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[Ornithology • 2017] Myzomela irianawidodoae • A Colourful New Species of Myzomela Honeyeater from Rote Island in eastern Indonesia ---ScRaBBlE

Myzomela irianawidodoae Prawiradilaga, Baveja, Suparno, Ashari, Ng, Gwee, Verbelen & Rheindt, 2017  photo:   Philippe Verbelen  e-journ...


Showing posts with label Ekos. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ekos. Show all posts

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Ekos - Otra Dimensión (2017) ---ScRaBBlE

Luego del excelente primer disco de los mexicanos Ekos, vuelven para sorprendernos a los que pensábamos que ya habíamos escuchado todo, con un disco sublime, presten atención porque "Otra Dimensión" es un disco que está al nivel de los mejores dentro del género, y si no me creen vean su calificación en Progarchives. Todo un viaje sensorial a una dimensión donde el tiempo pierde su sentido, es una experiencia que no puedes dejar de vivir. Una excelentísima musestra de rock progresivo actual, inteligente, pasional y tambièn honesto. Tremendo disco que no me canso de escuchar y les recomiendo empecinadamente, verdadero discazo de prog actual y moderno.

Artista: Ekos
Álbum: Otra Dimensión
Año: 2017
Género: Psicodélico / Space Rock
Duración: 47:00
Nacionalidad: México

Desde Mexico y con amor, además de con letras en castellano, nos llega el segundo trabajo de los rockeros espaciales mexicanos Ekos, los cuales siguen la sintonía marcada por su debut y acercándose aún más al sonido que Pink Floyd llevaron a la cumbre del éxito. Rock espacial en el sentido más puro, donde predominan los teclados y las guitarras puramente ambientales, con muchos juegos de voces.

“Otra Dimensión” es la segunda producción de Ekos, grabada en SMStudios de la Ciudad de México. El diseño de audio fue realizado por Gabriel Chávez Herrera, mezclado por Tonio Ruiz y masterizado por Brett Caldas - Lima en Montpellier, Francia y se estrena en 2017 con la incursión del nuevo y actual baterista Carlos Clériga.
Este disco explora las posibilidades de expansión en diferentes realidades del tiempo y el espacio. Una entidad llega a esta dimensión terrestre a través de un ‘Merkaba’, siente la gravedad, explora el mundo físico y se pregunta cómo sería la realidad si el tiempo pudiera ser sometido a su voluntad. Esto lo lleva a experimentar una sublimación astral, se separa de su cuerpo, viéndose a sí mismo desde el otro lado del espejo.
Esta historia, dividida en 11 partes que representan las once dimensiones que se cree que existen en la “Teoría de las Cuerdas” o “Teoría M”, invita al oyente a buscar el portal que conduce a la “Otra Dimensión”.
El lanzamiento de la versión digital se dio el 30 de enero de 2017 , la cual está disponible en las plataformas digitales más importantes a nivel mundial, trayendo consigo una excelente respuesta por parte del público, organizadores y medios locales e internacionales.
“Otra Dimensión” actualmente se encuentra en rotación dentro de la programación de las estaciones de radio especializadas en países como Inglaterra, Gales, España y Brasil.

Lo más destacable, quizàs, es que en Ekos no hay excesos, no hay protagonismos, son un todo, una sinergia, un solo ser que como tal, está perfectamente sincronizado y ensamblado en tiempo y forma, tal y como se refleja en esta interpretación de un rock progresivo actual, inteligente, con pasión y honesto. Este grupo de 4 jóvenes mexicanos demuestra estar a la altura de la exigencia internacional del género progresivo y pone el ejemplo al demostrar que los sueños se pueden alcanzar, cuando existen de por medio años de trabajo, pasión y amor por la música.

Lejos están los días en los que cuatro muchachos dejaron su camino por la llamada música culta, para embarcarse en una aventura desconocida para ellos hasta ese momento: el rock progresivo. Así llegó su gran primer trabajo, que hemos presentado en este blog y que ya ha sorprendido a muchos por su calidad y sus climas. Y luego de dos años que fue el tiempo quie tomó el proceso de creación, grabación, masterización y producción del siguiente disco que ahora presentamos.
El disco asemeja como si estuvieran retransmitiendo un mensaje desde otro planeta o una nave espacial. Al principio parece más bien un disco de rock puramente ambiental, debido a que "Merkaba" y buena parte de "Gravedad" están ocupadas por un teclado que protagoniza la banda sonora de la visita a la "Otra Dimensión". Pero al aparecer la primera estrofa vocal y automáticamente los demás instrumentos se van presentando uno a uno, en orden creciente. "Gravedad" despliega un sonido explosivo que nos va preparando hacia un viaje a través de "Avatar Pt 1", "Sublimatio", "Astralis" y "Avatar Pt 2". El viaje a través de estos cuatro temas se desarrolla al inicio lentamente y de forma pausada, en un ambiente místico, seguido por grandes cambios musicales de matices de hard progresivo y una base rítmica bastante sólida y exacta.
En el disco encontramos dos temas que a su vez están divididos en dos partes. El primero de ellos es "Avatar", con partes instrumentales muy buenas pero aquí aparece lo único negativo del disco: las vocales resultan un tanto monótonas. En "Orillas Del Tiempo", track que contiene elementos muy progresivos, más cercanos incluso al metal que al rock. Hay otros cortes con grandes momentos y melodías, como el caso de la pareja "Sublimatio" y "Astralis", que también parecen ir unidas, aunque su temática lírica es distinta, con muy buenas partes instrumentales, que abundan hasta casi hacer desaparecer las voces. En "Astralis", la guitarra y el teclado explotan para llevarnos al éxtasis en universos progresivos melódicos que luego, con "Avatar Pt 2", nos regresan a una atmósfera relajada, llevada por unas voces suaves, bastante bien trabajadas y con el tono ideal a la expresión de la letra.
En ese momento, el grupo ya nos tiene inmersos en un trance musical. El viaje continúa con "Orillas del Tiempo Pt 1", en donde la sección de guitarra, llena de sentimiento y fuerza espiritual, nos conduce al siguiente track, "Invocación". Por otra parte, el dúo formado por "Invocación" y "Espejo", también con las mismas características compositivas. En "Espejo", como en todo el disco, el trabajo de los teclados es impecable, siempre con el continuo diálogo con la guitarra. El regreso a "Orillas del tiempo Pt 2" anuncia el final del disco de una forma por demás magistral, en donde es imposible expresar con palabras la avalancha de sensaciones que sus notas musicales causan.
Y finalmente llega "Otra Dimensión" poniendo el broche final de forma muy parecida al corte inicial, muy ambiental con un teclado que en su parte final se transforma en piano, con un hermoso solo que completa el viaje de manera sublime, como para despedir el disco excepcional.

Les aclaro que no tengo el disco, así que no lo busquen en la Biblioteca al menos por ahora, hasta que aparezca algún cabezón que lo tenga en sus manos o nos diga como conseguirlo.

Y para terminar, les copio algunas reseñas en inglés, para que vean el nivel de adhesión que tiene este disco en melómanos de todo el mundo, que lo disfrutan al máximo. Seguramente nosotros también lo podremos disfrutar cuando sepamos donde conseguirlo...

For those who are not familiar, Ekos are a Mexican prog rock band that started as a Pink Floyd tribute-band, but to our senses' luck, decided to create their original material at the end of the last decade, so then 2012 saw the "birth" of their debut album, a magnificent record in which the floydian reminiscences are evident, but their own sound started to be built up. It was 2015 when a new drummer joined the band, the talented Carlos Clériga, and since then they had worked really hard giving shows and creating new music.
All that effort has been rewarded with the recent release of "Otra Dimensión", their new album and one of my favorite 2017 releases so far, so it was worth the wait because Ekos took their time in order to give us a conceptual album, a masterpiece that I am happy to review right now, so I hope to light on some of my readers' interest and why not, persuade them to get a copy of it. What we will find here is an 11-track record with a total time of 47 in which we can appreciate spacey atmospheres, floydian nuances, some metal passages and also Wilson-like moments that all together flow perfectly, giving us (or me, at least) a wonderful listening experience that is amazingly complemented by its spiritual concept that talks about that other dimension.
It all starts with "Merkaba", an atmospheric introduction that takes us to space, one can feel embraced by that cosmic sound and get ready to begin the journey. "Gravedad" is a beautiful song in which we can finally appreciate the talent of the four members, first the drums open the gates, then a Gilmour-ish guitar appear, keys produce infinite textures and the bass always giving great lines. This song is instrumental but its sound is very emotional, beautiful, I repeat. What I love of this album is that it perfectly flows, you might find it difficult to perceive when one song finishes and the next one starts, at least this might happen to you with your first listen. I mentioned this because it did happen to me, and then I suddenly realized that I was already listening to "Avatar Pt. 1", another amazing song that has a soft and delicate sound, and the first one to feature vocals. Jesús Torres (guitar) is the main voice of Ekos, but also Ana Camelo (keys) helps with backing vocals, I would like to mention that they have improved their singing, they might not be true singers but I believe they have done a great job here.
The last seconds of "Avatar Pt. 1" show more energy and it opens the doors to "Sublimatio", an instrumental track that starts with an evident Wilsonian passage (he is one of their influences) and that brings moments of great energy with some chaotic keyboards and a masterful bass work by Víctor Juárez. This is a song I like a lot because it really transports me to another dimension. When the intensity decreases and a piano starts, we are already listening to "Astralis" in which lyrics return. In spite of that calmed introduction, this song is as intense as the previous one, with some chaotic passages produced mainly by keyboards and perfectly complemented by strings and drums. I repeat, I love how this album flows, so when vocals appear again a brand new song is being played, "Avatar Pt. 2", a short combo of spacey and relaxing atmospheres. With this song the first part of the album finishes and we can notice that because there is a short moment of silence after 25 minutes of non-stop music.
The second part starts with the mighty "Orillas del tiempo Pt. 1" which I praise as my clear favorite song of this album. It has again an atmospheric background accompanied by repetitive vocals but then at minute 2 we can feel lucky to witness a truly superb guitar solo, Jesus Torres is a giant, he really makes us feel his guitar and we can easily notice his passion for this instrument. Wow, what a song! This song leads to "Invocation", here Ana provides the main vocals while Jesús helps with the backing ones. The lyrics here talk about the supernatural, which is very interesting because if you understand them, the concept will actually embrace you. After 3 minutes there is a great instrumental passage that provides slow and fast, fast and slow moments where the four musicians show their connection, they are friends and bandmates, and that can be noticed with the good work. "Espejo" is another relaxing track, one can take a deep breath and feel the music's charm while the lyrics tell you about time and eternity. The last part is a bit heavier, they also love some prog metal bands and we can also notice those influences in some of the album's passages.
"Orillas del Tiempo Pt. 2" is a melancholic track that warn us about the journey's end, we can really feel it is coming to an end, you won't let me lie when you listen to it. Its last moments are much heavier and we can see how hard the drums sound so the band together make a wonderful solid combo. The album finishes with "Otra Dimensión", which happens to be the shortest track and the one that says goodbye, a piano-oriented track that keeps the door open to moments of introspection and search for answers. A beautiful album by Ekos, please give it a listen, you won't regret.
Enjoy it!
Guillermo H. Urdapilleta

I´ve been a fan for more than 50 years, I still remember the first time i had the chance to hear The Beatles back in 1965, surprisingly, this open my ears and consciousness. to different styles of music, starting with groups like Yes, Emerson, Lake & Palmer, Gentle Giant, Family, Led Zeppelin, The Doors, Black Sabbath, The Flock, Ultimate Spinach, etc., a perfect mix of Progressive, Metal, Symphonic, Prog Related , Eclectic, Psychedelic/Space Rock, etc., a broad styles of fantastic bands and styles.
Taking me by surprise, I got hold of the new Ekos, album, my! what a refreshing surprise. Recording full of dramatical changes, great guitar riffs in the vein of Pink Floyd, Dream Theater, pastoral keyboard passages, amazing vocals, great peaceful atmospheric moments, perfectly balanced. The more you hear it, the more it grows on you. Probably the best recording in years of a Mexican band,
Ricardo Otero

I've been a fan since their first album, Luz Interna, when I listened to this masterpiece I wasn't disappointed. Ekos takes us on a journey full of different landscapes. From the initial Merkaba, where we dance among swirls of synthesizer and ambient sounds to the final piano piece that closes the album on a classical note.
This is what progressive rock is about. We have virtuoso moog solos, heavy riffs to satisfy any metal listener, tight drumming and pulsating bass lines. The prowess they display on their live shows is recreated here, demonstrating that each band member is in complete dominion of their instruments.
Jesus voice is soothing, and he sings with a tinge of melancholy that makes us feel that through each song one comes closer to that Otra Dimensi'n (Other dimension) where one finds oneself reflected upon a mirror of the soul.
There are many climatic moments in this album, like in the songs Espejo (Mirror) and Orillas del tiempo pt.2 (Time shores pt2) where one can't stop and think that we're listening to the great masterpieces of the 70's played in our modern times.
Rarely have I seen a band sound so original yet maintain the spirit of the 70's, and create such a diverse album and still feel so coherent and polished in the process.
Hats off to this amazing band. One cannot think of their feature releases and feel a sense of excitement and wonder. Highly, highly recommended.
Ricardo Otero Córdoba

Went to see this band present their new album Otra Dimension, this weekend to the packed Legendary concert dive Alicia in Mexico City, where they presented their awesome album complete and unabridged. I have been a prog fan ever since I was 13 and I have heard and seen many different bands in my lifetime, but this evening felt special, one of those convergences where stars and planets align to create the perfect moment, captured in time or as the tile suggest another dimension. It was a dreamy like experience where the music was not much heard or even experienced, but more revealed, to be edged in the seat of the psyche. From listening to the album I knew this was a concept album comprised of just one song that spreads into sections where themes reprise and passages sound like a symphony that grows and becomes familiar. From the beautiful opening of Merkaba that has some of the most beautiful lines to the elegiac and meditative piano of the last song Otra Dimension, this is a labor of love, daring but very restrained at the same time, no excess just a flawless coherent and cohesive masterpiece. After the initial invitation to a trance Gravedad let´s you fall gradually into a state of wonder, maybe childhood, maybe love, every not pointing to create a estate of being of reflection: The band´s musical virtuosity put in service to the music, not a self serving vehicle for each member but a community of artists creating a piece like Invocación, where the nodule or central drama of the piece reaches it´s apex, like all great Art, Otra Dimension takes us to the full spectrum of human emotions, and as that moment is reached it start to move to the cathartic moment of - Orillas del Tiempo pt II - which is an instant classic that you wish to hear over and over again. Ekos are masters of creating armonicé tension and melodic release, they play this card often and Avatar pt II is a great example of how much can you take this recourse, even their name titles show alliteration as well as in the music itself, it just show how much care went into the album. The mixing is crisp and polished and the tone that the Guitars and Synths get is stellar, how many groups pour everything into music, nowadays few, as the world grows cynical and good music more elusive it´s very comforting to know that their are bands that still honor the spirit of rock music and respect it with reverence to all that have come before but with a new passion to carry the torch of good and relevant prog rock. I urge you , please check out this band and find a way to get this album, do it now!!!!!
Alex Cervantes

Otra Dimensión (Another Dimension), the sophomore album from Ekos is finally here, four years after the release of their acclaimed debut album, Luz Interna. It was definitely worth the wait, for they have come up with a wonderful and mature work, a concept album delving on the mysteries of the Cosmos and the spiritual wisdom of our ancestors. The line-up of the band is now formed by Ana Camelo (keyboards, analog synthesizers, vocals), Jesús Torres (guitar and vocals), Víctor Juárez (bass guitar) and newcomer Carlos Clériga (drums and percussion). The first track, Merkaba, greets us with ambients and atmospheres and segues into Gravedad (Gravity), where the drums mark the entrance of the full band, taking us on a journey through time and space. On Avatar Pt. I the lyrics (sung by Jesús) question if everything we see and feel is just an illusion, and remind us how soon we lose memory of our dreams when we wake up. This is followed by Sublimatio, an intense instrumental which connects with Astralis, where we are taken into an astral travel through space. Avatar Pt. II describes the peace and tranquility of the eternal realm and ends the first stage of our journey through another dimension. The second stage starts with Orillas Del Tiempo Pt. I (Shores Of Time, Pt. I), a beautiful piece with an ethereal chorus and an intense and tasteful guitar playing which connects with Invocación (Invocation), a haunting melody where Ana's vocals call the supernatural and sacred powers of the ancient spirits of the earth. Next up is Espejo (Mirror), with search for eternity as the main theme. Then we're back with Orillas Del Tiempo Pt. II (Shores Of Time Pt. II) so we can assimilate what we learned during this magic trip, and it's also a great opportunity to appreciate the creativity and precision of bass and drums. Finally the album closes with Otra Dimensión (Another Dimension), a beautiful piano piece, a perfect ending to this display of great and inspired composition and playing. It's great to find out albums this good are coming up these days. Greatly recommended, and I suggest that you listen to Otra Dimensión in one take so you can follow the development of the concept. I give this work a full 5 stars.
Eduardo Fanghänel Gonzalez

Lista de Temas:
1. Merkaba
2. Gravedad
3. Avatar Pt. I
4. Sublimatio
5. Astralis
6. Avatar Pt. II
7. Orillas Del Tiempo Pt. I
8. Invocación
9. Espejo
10. Orillas Del Tiempo Pt. II
11. Otra Dimensión

- Ana Camelo / Keyboards and vocals
- Jesus Torres / Guitars and vocals
- Víctor Juárez / Bass guitar
- Carlos Clériga / Drums and percussion

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